Workshops ala Cart
We LOVE designing new workshops that are specific to the individual needs of our clients. But what if you need something for an orientation or a corporate retreat?
All of our workshops are based on the elements listed on to the right. Let us know if this works or you need more customization.
Active Listening to Make the Other Look Good
You've heard of the Golden Rule? But what if you were able to listen well enough to the needs of others that you practiced the "Platinum Rule?" Our interactive workshop increases communication by providing listening tools and fun exercises that can be learned today an used in the workplace tomorrow.
People Reading and Communicaton Style Basics
Is it really possible to "read" what others are feeling and thinking? Yes. Actors do it ALL THE TIME. It is literally part of their job!
And while it may not be possible to know the specifics, when we understand that everyone has a basic communication style and a need to feel seen and heard, knowing how to listen and what to listen for, becomes second nature.
As always, our fun, interactive approach provides tools that learners can learn today, and apply in the workplace tomorrow.
Remembering our Humanness and Finding Common Ground
Using StoryMatters, storytelling principles, and our background in DEI, this interactive workshop examines the elements of trust, and understanding that are needed to make a cohesive team.
What happens when we break trust? Or trust is broken with us? How does that affect the feeling of belonging?
Through storytelling and engaging exercises, we "up" the "empathy factor" so that your team members understand everyone's basic need for belonging. And then, we learn how to take into account and honor the values of other team members. Doing these two things creates a cohesiveness that can guide leaders and teams through tough times.